Chinese New Year: Cranberries and cherries arrive in Zhengzhou

This week the supermarkets in the city of Zhengzhou filled their gondolas with Chilean fruit, mainly cranberries and cherries, due to the celebration of the Chinese New Year that will be celebrated at the 16 in February.

The festive atmosphere in all the supermarkets and the Chinese commerce in general is beginning to be observed. The Chinese tradition in the New Year celebrations is to give away fruit, especially cherries, because the cultural custom and belief indicates that red is a symbol of success, happiness and love.

Exports of domestic cherries continue to break records of exports and almost 90% of exports go to the Asian market, of that volume the 95% remains in China. The US only receives the 5% of exports of Chilean cherries and other smaller amounts are destined to the markets of Canada, Europe and the Middle East.

From 2016 arrive to Zhengzhou, city belonging to the People's Republic of China, cherries and Chilean blueberries in constant charter flights that carry 100 tons of fresh fruits each and with an intermittency that reaches the 5 daily flights in high season.

Unlike in previous years, there is a large presence of Chilean blueberries in supermarkets. It is notorious that they have been included in greater quantity in the air shipments of this season, due to the preference that Chinese consumers have shown for this fruit, which together with cherries, enjoys very good demand and high prices in the Chinese market.

During the Chinese New Year everything circulates around achieving success, luck and prosperity, so the food consumed on New Year's Eve is selected for its purported powers to achieve this purpose.

The long noodles are equivalent to a long life for the celebrants. A whole fish in the food is consumed to attract prosperity. Rice is a treasure of good luck. Lotus seeds are to achieve a happy marriage. Red plums attract blessings and cherries are consumed in large quantities to get and enjoy a sweet life.

Source: Martín Carrillo O. - Blueberries Consulting

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