USA: Cranberries in Latin America have a growing share of consumption

The consumption of blueberries per capita in the United States has grown more than three times since the middle of the 2000 year.

The availability of blueberries is expected to reach historical levels in the 2018 / 19 campaign, with a total of 299.371 tons. The increase in US demand in the last two decades has been supported by the increase in the availability of domestic and imported production. However, imports have grown faster than domestic production.

The share of imports from the United States market went from an 44 percent in 2005 to almost an 60 percent in 2018. Chile has long been the main origin of blueberries imported by the United States, accounting for more than half of imports between 2008 and 2013.

Since then, new markets have emerged and an increasing share of the US import blueberry market has been captured.

For the first time in 2018, Peru and Mexico together exported more blueberries to the United States than Chile. This, together with a rise in imports from countries such as Canada and Argentina, brought the quota of Chilean blueberries in the United States to its lowest level since 2005, an 38 percent.

Coming mostly from the northern hemisphere, most imports of blueberries take place in the off-season of domestic production. The American season begins in April and continues throughout the summer until early fall. This graphic appears in the semiannual ERS Fruit and Tree Nuts Outlook newsletter published in March of 2019.


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