BCR: Peru's non-traditional exports stand out in the region

They register the second greater advance between the main countries of Latin America

The non-traditional exports of Peru accumulate in the last 12 months to last May, an increase of 5.3%, the second largest expansion among the main countries of the region, said today the Central Reserve Bank (BCR).

In the referred period, Mexico recorded an advance of 6.7%, Peru of 5.3%, Chile of 3.7%, while Colombia and Brazil decreased 0.4% and 0.9% respectively.In the January-May period of 2019, exports of non-traditional products accumulated 5,309 million dollars, amount greater in 0.4% in relation to similar period of 2018, highlighting the increase in volume shipped in 5.8%.

During this period, there were greater shipments abroad of grapes (18.4%), squid (10.3%), fresh avocados (1.5%), calcium phosphates (6.1%) and blueberries (68.1%), among other products.


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