Huelva receives the first strawberry tempras

They belong to an authorized quota of 20.195 and were originally hired in Morocco to participate in the agricultural campaign, mainly in the collection of this fruit, which concentrates the main volume of work until June

It is about a hundred women who will join this week and until the end of January, another approximately 13.600, all of them repeaters of previous campaigns, with more to less years of experience.

The rest, some 6.500 that come for the first time and were selected last December in the Alahuite country, will be incorporated from February on the basis of labor needs.

To break down barriers and promote greater and better understanding between these women and businessmen from a preventive perspective, the Huelva campaign has the figure of the integration consultant, created within the framework of the Ethical, Labor and Social Responsibility Plan (Prelsi ) of the Interprofessional of Strawberry and Red Fruits of Andalusia, Interfresa.

It was pioneered in the last campaign with a team made up of nine people who, after the success of their work, will be increased in the current season until fifteen.

It is estimated that the agricultural campaign of Huelva will employ about 90.000 people until June, according to data from previous years, which are covered by local labor or from countries of the European Union.

Specifically, in 2018, 91.291 Social Security affiliations were made, of which around 42.000 (47%) were nationals; some 22.000 (24%) of countries of the European Union (EU) mainly from Romania and Bulgaria; and about 26.400 (29%) extra-community -14.411 Moroccans and 12.000 from other nationalities such as Senegal or Mali.

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