Quality seal: one of the most important factors in the blueberry industry

The industry linked to fruit growing is in moments of full adjustment and technological development, not only to face the impacts of climate change, or the greater demands of consumers, but also to adapt to the new paradigms that will emerge post pandemic.

The restrictions derived from the sanitary crisis have affected the fruit industry, in labor, delays in harvests, difficulties in transportation and greater sanitary requirements. Outside of the aspects directly related to the production and commercialization of crops, the industry has also suffered from not having meetings where it is regularly fed back and trained on the advances in the industry such as seminars, congresses and conferences. The vast majority have had to be suspended or postponed indefinitely.

New paradigms

Virtual tools have been the alternative way of communicating and relating to address urgent or necessary aspects for the good organizational functioning of the industry. Teleworking, online meetings (Zoom, Meet, Jitsi, among others), have become new ways of working. Perhaps some of them will be adopted permanently, which will cover new paradigms in the industry.

The boom of the Webinars

The webinar is one of these new tools and can be one of these new paradigms. Its offer has spread rapidly on the web. We receive invitations that offer free or paid the opportunity to attend virtually a wide variety of these events to address numerous topics.

Various surveys conducted during 2019 by the Content Marketing Institute identified that almost 70% of B2B merchants use webinars as a communication strategy to boost their business, and that more than 66% of that total consider it a very effective tool.

This webinar boom is mostly for commercial purposes, although it originates from the world e-learning, of online education.

Quality standards

Using this tool should respect industry standards and isolate those offering these encounters, free or paid.

We must privilege those who offer us quality information and distinguish whether the webinar they offer is going to serve as a content marketing action or as a sales marketing, because this is directly related to quality, relevance, relevance, novelty or usefulness of the meeting.

In a quality content webinar, the focus will always be on offering relevant, up-to-date and useful information for business decision-making without commercial biases, which is generally consistent with the company offering the meeting.

On the other hand, in the case of webinars offered as sales marketing, the action is commercial for lighter and more entertaining content. These webinars are used as a promotion for the company that invites them, being the ones that proliferate the most on the web.

A comprehensive offer

Blueberries Consulting through its academic platform Agricultural Seminars offers webinars to complement your international seminars. This platform provides a more comprehensive and quality offer that joins other communicational instruments of the company that for many years it has offered to the industry, and that together make up a strategy of improvement and information, of tangible and electronic texts, face-to-face meetings in international seminars, technical-commercial tours to farms in different countries, and a constant search, generation and publication of information and knowledge related to the integral development of the blueberry industry in the world, without bias of any kind.

Quality in everything

The industry linked to fruit growing is in moments of full adjustment and technological development, not only to face the impacts of climate change, or the greater demands of consumers, but also to adapt to the new paradigms that will emerge post pandemic.

The quality seal is one of the most important factors in the global industry, therefore, one must be very careful when selecting the material of interest as a differentiating element to guarantee the standards.

Martín Carrillo O. - Blueberries Consulting

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