Cabrero Phytosanitary Inspection Site: Systems Approach drives 100% growth in inspections of fresh blueberries bound for the US

More than four million 278 thousand boxes of fresh blueberries destined for the United States were inspected as of March 31 of this 2020-2021 export season, at the SAG / USDA - APHIS / ASOEX Phytosanitary Inspection Site in Cabrero. Volume that showed an increase of 101% compared to the inspections carried out, throughout the 2019-2020 season.

Fresh blueberries

In this regard, the Regional Director of Biobío, Iván Ramírez Delpín indicated: “We had a significant increase in the inspection of fresh blueberries, being the season with the highest inspection of this product since our Site began operating, which is due, in large part, to the approval of the Systems Approach by the US market for blueberries from the Biobío and Ñuble regions " .

In this sense, he specified that of the total boxes of blueberries inspected this season, 1.554.319 correspond to fresh blueberries from Biobío and Ñuble, that is, 36,3% of the boxes inspected of these super fruits.

The reasons for this increase is the implementation of the Systems Approach, which corresponds to a set of pest risk management measures that allows guarantee the phytosanitary conditions imposed by the United States as an alternative to methyl bromide fumigation. Risk mitigation that had an impact on fruit quality.

Other fruits also increased

"In addition to the increase in inspected boxes of fresh blueberries, the inspection of other products also grew, already exceeding the number of boxes inspected the previous season by 39%, and we are still in the process of inspection," said Ramírez.

In this sense, cherry inspections grew 179% and peonies 109% in relation to the previous season. Furthermore, for the first time, gooseberries were inspected for the aforementioned northern market.

Currently, inspections of Asian apples and pears continue, mainly. The inspection of onions, persimmons and tulip bulbs is expected to begin in the next fortnight. As of March 31, 4.551.934 boxes of Asian blueberries, cherries, peonies, apples and pears had been inspected.

Inspection Sites

In Chile there are 7 phytosanitary inspection sites, which operate under the SAG / USDA-APHIS / ASOEX Pre-Shipment Program, which is a tripartite agreement between SAG, USDA-APHIS (Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service of the Department of Agriculture of the United States) and the Association of Fruit Exporters of Chile AG (ASOEX). Its objective is to verify, Through an inspection at origin, compliance with the protocols defined for the export of fresh fruits from Chile to the US.

Fresh Goatherd Fruit

“The Cabrero Fresh Fruit Inspection Site does a very important job to facilitate trade between Chile and the United States. It is located in a strategic place, has excellent connectivity with the highway and ports in the region, allowing to reduce the costs of exporters. Our region prioritized its construction through private public work, where SAG, Regional Government, ASOEX and MOP participated ”, observed the Seremi of Agriculture, Francisco Lagos.

Finally, Rodrigo Nacarate, Head of Administration of the Cabrero Site, specified: "ASOEX is responsible for managing the Inspection Site and providing the personnel to carry out the mobilization of cargo for inspection, thus supporting the export process."

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