The plan of the Peruvian blueberry industry and its five axes of development

In an exclusive interview with José Miguel Vegas, general manager of Proarándanos, we talked about the strategic plan of the Peruvian industry for the immediate future.

The international blueberry world has been aware of the great growth of the Peruvian blueberry producing and exporting industry and its impact on the global industry for some years. We have also witnessed that this growth has been sustained and exponential, breaking all the parameters to which we were accustomed.

The reactions in these years have been varied, from those who bet that this growth would not be sustainable over time, to those who assured that it has caused an oversupply in the markets, which would have a negative impact on the prices of the fruit. Time has shown that neither one nor the other has materialized, the Peruvian industry continues to grow and the demand for blueberries is increasing in all markets.

José Miguel Vegas with attendees of the International Blueberry Seminar Trujillo Peru 2022.

We interviewed José Miguel Vegas, manager of Proarándanos, regarding these and other issues related to the Peruvian blueberry industry and he shared with us part of the industry's strategic plan for the period, which is fundamentally based on 5 axes or objectives to be achieved:

  • Access to more markets in better conditions (joint action with the phytosanitary authority in Peru – Senasa).
  • Increase consumption in the main markets, working together with international stakeholders.
  • Ensure the necessary conditions for the production and export of blueberries in Peru, coordinating with the public sector (through AGAP) and promoting research.
  • Achieve a better informed industry regarding statistics, projections and indicators of the social and environmental impact of the industry.
  • Promote the efficient management of natural resources, good agricultural practices and, above all, respect and appreciation of our employees, their families and communities.

What are your main challenges or aspects to overcome?

The challenges are diverse, but I would highlight the logistical difficulties that have been experienced globally since the pandemic. This translates into excessive freight costs, prolonged transit times, shortage of maritime containers, lack of carriers, collapse of ports, among others.

From Proarándanos we have been working hard in an articulated manner with the different actors in our sector to provide the greatest possible support, and thus be able to continue serving the markets in the best conditions under the context in which we live.

In your opinion, should the industry encourage global consumption (through campaigns) or is the current natural trend of sustained growth in consumption enough?

The promotion of blueberries at a global level should definitely be encouraged. We are lucky that the blueberry is a superfoods with incredible attributes for health. We must continue exploiting these attributes and generating awareness about the blueberry to reach more homes in the world and that more people consider the blueberry as their favorite fruit. In parallel to the promotion, it is essential to supply blueberries of excellent quality throughout the year in the markets, in this way customer loyalty will be achieved and greater points of sale will be ensured in supermarkets.

Peru's leadership position in world production is indisputable. How does Proarándanos consolidate this position to become a reference organization for the global industry?

As I mentioned, as Proarándanos we have outlined a clear roadmap with 5 lines of action on which we will focus in the coming years to scale blueberry consumption worldwide and strengthen the position of the Peruvian industry in our main markets.

We will continue working to access more markets and in better conditions, enhancing our communication channels to strengthen the position of the Peruvian blueberry, providing more statistical information and projections to achieve a better informed industry, and continue working together with the state through leadership of AGAP, to ensure that the necessary conditions are provided and always seek greater competitiveness for the production and export of blueberries in Peru. And, above all, we will continue to focus our efforts on promoting the efficient management of natural resources, good agricultural practices and, above all, on the respect and appreciation of employees, their families and the communities that are part of the industry. peruvian blueberry

Martin Carrillo O. - Blueberries Consulting

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