Juan Pablo Zoffoli, Bruno Defilippi, Jessica Rodríguez and Víctor Hugo Escalona, ​​will be present at the blueberry and cherry event that will take place on April 13

The selection, packaging, land and sea transportation, travel conditions of the fruit and distribution of the product to the final consumer, will be addressed along with various other technical issues related to the cultivation and international marketing of blueberries and cherries on April 13.

The postharvest of Chilean fruit is a vital stage for the export fruit industry in its competitive level and its value in world markets, especially the most important and distant ones, such as Europe and Asia, mainly. The quality of the fruit and its good condition when it reaches the final consumer has become a strategic objective for producers and exporters.

At XXV International Seminar on Blueberries & Cherries, which will be done this April 13 at Monticello, the different aspects directly and indirectly related to the quality and condition of the fruit once harvested and on its journey to the final consumer will be addressed.

All or nothing in postharvest

The selection, packaging, land and sea transfer, travel conditions of the fruit and distribution of the product to the final consumer, will be addressed by the renowned specialists in blueberry and cherry postharvest, Bruno Defilippi, with "All or nothing: optimizing postharvest for quality fruit"; John Paul Zoffoli, with the talk "Cherry postharvest: experience of the 2022 / 23 season"; Jessica Rodriguez, with "Managements to consider to ensure a good arrival in the destination markets" and Victor Hugo Escalona, with "Innovations in post-harvest technologies for cherries destined for distant markets".

To this group of specialists will be added Ignacio Santibanez, CEO of Qima, with his presentation "Arrivals of Chilean fruit to international markets: Main problems of the last season" and javier saavedra Commercial manager of Control Union Chile with the talk "Behavior of the cherry market after Chinese New Year".


On the other hand, and in this same objective, in the case of the plant, a plant genetics with good post-harvest conditions is sought, in order to reach the most distant markets in better condition. With new varieties of blueberries and cherry trees, a greater competitiveness of the activity is sought, looking for a greater caliber of the product, more resistance of the plant to pests and diseases, a better flavor of the fruit and a greater firmness of the product, because it is about bet on the quality of the fruit as a distinctive element in international markets and differentiation from the competition.

In this aspect, Marcela Zuniga, executive director of Sunnyridge Nurseries; Lucia Corbetto, founding partner of Osiris Plant Management; Carolina Uquillas Commercial Manager Chile at Fall Creek Farm & Nursery, Inc., will give talks related to "New varietal alternatives for Chile", in the case of blueberries, and Lorraine Pinto, from ANA Chile, will give the talk "New varieties of cherry trees for early and late production".

These two major issues, which are gravitating in the Chilean industry, will be addressed at the meeting of the April 13 at Monticello, in the midst of various other technical issues related to the cultivation and international marketing of blueberry and cherry.

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