Álvaro Sánchez, president of the National Association of Producers of Berries: "Our customers in the US have given us the confidence to be calm"

The world is expectant in the face of the new US policy regarding access to its markets and Mexico has been syndicated by the Trump administration as its first victim. Apparently, protectionism is a fact and we must take action.

We talked with Álvaro Sánchez Aldana, president of the National Association of Producers of Berries, of the zone of the state of Jalisco, to know its impression on this and other subjects that interest to the other producers of the continent, and to all the actors of the industry of the Latin American blueberry.

We asked him about the plans of the Mexican producers in the face of this reality of threat imposed by the Trump administration in the USA.

We are looking for new markets like all producers, however we have been in constant communication with our US customers and they have given us the confidence to be calm.

unnamed-2Their response does not elude the conflict and indeed a concern is recognized, not only by the crabbers, but also by all those who market their products in the US markets.

He tells us that in the search for new markets is the transfer factor and distance, so the condition of the fruit becomes a factor of great importance. There is more concern about the post-harvest stage and more emphasis should be placed on the acquisition and use of specific technology for this stage of production.

Should they invest in post-harvest technology?

This is a reality. We know that in Mexico we have not had the imperative need to develop technology in this sense, however we believe that the new times will force us to do it.

In addition to everything related to the post harvest, Sánchez Aldana states that the prevention of diseases in blueberry orchards are a concern of Mexican producers, in addition to greater knowledge regarding the minimum and maximum nutrient requirements in the plant, among other topics proposed to talk.

The president of the producers of Jalisco made a very good memory of the Seminar that was held at the 2016 Space Antares de Guadalajara, "we had the opportunity to be present at it, great speakers, a great event"He commented with affection.

unnamed-3In the Jalisco area, the Biloxy variety is grown mainly, which produces 1.200 grs. per plant and the harvest develops permanently, as it is not bounded, so that each worker harvests daily 20 kgs. that they select and pack in the field.

There is a lot of newly planted orchard, which predicts that production volumes will grow notably in the medium term.

With regard to seminars and new times that are glimpsed in the region, he was a strong supporter of the use of communication tools. Referring to the need to transfer information and knowledge from producers from other latitudes, it is emphatic to ensure that sharing experiences with producers from other regions and from different realities is a very important enrichment task, "other countries like Chile, Argentina, Uruguay are countries that take us a great advantage in the knowledge about the blueberry, it is very important to listen and learn from these great masters", he finished.

Source: Blueberrieschile.cl - Blueberriesconsulting.com 

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