Chile and the Netherlands begin operations without phytosanitary certificate papers

Among the most exported products from our country to the Netherlands during the 2019-2020 season are avocados, grapes and apples, but blueberries are also sent to Rotterdam.

This was announced by the National Director of the Agricultural and Livestock Service (SAG), Horacio Bórquez, who explained that for the past 8 years they have been working in close contact with representatives of the Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA).

“To advance in matters related to eCert, in which the Netherlands is one of the world leaders and from which we have learned a lot. In fact, it was in 2012 when we began to work on the exchange of phytosanitary and zoosanitary certificates through the CMS Platform, thanks to the fluid cooperative relationship that we maintain with them, which helped us to comply with market demands such as China and the Eurasian Economic Union ”.

In August 2019, SAG and NVWA signed a bilateral work plan to take data exchange one step further, seeking to achieve paperless electronic certification for phytosanitary certificates, which after a year of technical adjustments to achieve an adequate connection it is already working between both countries. This achievement, added to paperless Achieved this year with the European Union, the United States, Colombia, Argentina and Peru for vegetable products, places Chile in a privileged position in the world regarding the development of electronic health certification.

It should be noted that among the most exported products from our country to the Netherlands during the 2019-2020 season are avocados, grapes and apples, the main port of entry to Europe being the Rotterdam terminal.

In this regard, the Regional Director of SAG de Biobío, Iván Ramírez Delpín, indicated that during 2020, the SAG, through the Talcahuano office, has certified 756 exports from the region's ports to the Netherlands, highlighting the shipments of fresh blueberries and apples, lilium bulbs with and without root, tulip bulbs.

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