Lanmei Science and Technology: "China can produce world-class blueberries"

At present, 2.000 kilos of blueberries are harvested and frozen in the Lanmei Science and Technology company in Zhejiang, which are transported overseas. This year the first batch has been shipped to Japan from Zhejiang.

The counterattack of Chinese blueberries

Since the 80, several fruits of Japan have been exported to the Chinese market, where they have become part of the diet. Now, 30 years later, China exports fruit to Japan. Cultivation techniques are an issue, but passing fresh produce across the border is even more important. The Japanese market demands a strict customs inspection and the many standards of fresh products are an important reason why trade is restricted. That said, Lanmei Science and Technology has just successfully exported the first deep-frozen blueberries to Japan. Not only is it the first batch of fruit that leaves Zhejiang for Japan, but the raw material is also obtained, cultivated and processed by the same company.

According to a spokesperson for the company Lanmei, Japan is the country that consumes the most blueberries in the world, so it has a fully developed blueberry production chain and culture. The fact that Lanmei sells blueberries to Japan is not only a demonstration of the hard and soft power of the company, but also demonstrates that China is perfectly capable of cultivating blueberries of first category that can surpass the Japanese market inspections.

The spokesperson adds that the blueberries were a foreign product. Compared to developed countries, where the blueberry consumption culture is more than a hundred years old, the blueberry culture in China is incipient. Now, Lanmei has managed to sell blueberries to the “master”, something as extraordinary as if the United States grew good tea leaves and sold them to China.

The best variety of cultivation in the south is the Lanmei No. 1

The Lanmei No. 1 variety is the one that has managed to enter Japanese soil. The spokesman of the company explains that they are the only company in China that has a complete chain for the production of blueberries. In recent years, the company has been busy with procurement and cultivation. Now, it has 160 varieties of blueberries, among which are some developed to adapt to the climate and the soil of the south. The company also has a production capacity of more than 30 million plants, of which the Lanmei No. 1 is the most outstanding and represents the company.

news_4-14-38-12Lanmei No. 1 is suitable for both fresh consumption and industry. It is characterized by being easy to grow and by its strong resistance, high productivity and good flavor. Since its creation, it has only received positive reviews from experts and the market. Lanmei No. 1 has also been rated as “the best variety for cultivation in the south.” Now that it has received the favor of the Japanese market, it also shows that the company has the ability to fully research and understand the market.

Stable quality for export

As the Lanmei spokesman says, we should not look too hard at the current export of only two tons of blueberries. Japan has spent three years making observations before closing this particular trade agreement. It has been a Japanese company listed on the stock exchange that has carried out the importation, and has strict requirements regarding maturation, purity and even size of blueberries, which is why the company has invested more than one million dollars. yuan in the purchase of an import optical selection machine, which selects blueberries professionally to achieve a high quality product and little variation for export.

The first export has served as proof, and Lanmei Science and Technology has established itself as a supplier of the raw material. From now on, export volumes will increase drastically. At present, both parties are still involved in the negotiations of the agreement. They are planning the mutual development of blueberry jam, dehydrated cranberries and other processed products.


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