The possible mutations to which the human being is exposed
The sun is a giant nuclear reactor in which hydrogen atoms melt into helium nuclei. In that process a huge energy arises, where 465 millions of tons of hydrogen per second are combusted.
The performance of the sun is 3,8 x 10 (raised to 26) Watios, something unimaginable, an irradiation that is emitted largely in the field of light that is visible to us, but other irradiations intervene, however invisible. On the one hand the electromagnetic frequencies, in the long wave area, are radio waves or infrared light, and in the field of short wave we have ultraviolet rays, gamma rays or X-ray irradiation .
Energy irradiation, irradiation of gamma rays or X-rays are naturally harmful. Also class B ultraviolet rays, that is short-wave irradiations, are harmful and could destroy life in a short time. So these damaging shortwave irradiation parts are filtered by the Earth's atmosphere. Both the magnetosphere and the ozone layer filter out enough of all these harmful rays, but if the ozone layer were to weaken, more highly energy-class ultraviolet B-rays would reach the Earth. By physics we know that a high energy irradiation causes more damage than low frequency energy. Fortunately we have filters around the Earth that, if destroyed or damaged, would leave us exposed to the danger of a higher intensity radiation, which would be very harmful to human health.
The effect of a severe irradiation would modify or influence the genetic information or the structure of the proteins, giving rise to possible mutations. In other words, the Quantum of Radiation are so rich in energy that they could destroy a molecule and, if it is a molecule of genetic inheritance, it could even cause tumors. Given the dangers to which human beings could be exposed, it should be said that the only person responsible for the destruction of the ozone layer is man himself. It is practically also a consequence of chemical reactions in industry and transport, both created by man.
During the spring of this year it has been checked again that the hole in the ozone layer over Antarctica has increased. To which it should be added that the problem is not only that the ozone layer has become thinner, but that the solar irradiation has become more intense. In fact there are studies that confirm that the sun is more active than in the past 8000 years, so the problem is not only the reduction of the ozone layer, but also the turbulence caused by the sun itself. Therefore, based on the increase in ultraviolet rays, the damage will also increase for humans, but also for animals and plants.
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