The blueberries of Chile present a greater export in the southern area

noticia_13022015_2The blueberry season is well advanced and weekly shipments will begin to decrease this week; to date approximately 74.383 tons of fresh blueberries have been shipped to all markets.

In the 5 week, shipments of fresh blueberries from Chile already reached a figure similar to the total sent during the 2013 / 14 season, a season in which there was a decrease in exports due to frosts in September of 2013. However, regions III, IV and Metropolitan, which have already finished their crops, and V, which is sending its last volumes, showed an average drop of 34% in shipments with respect to 2013 / 14.

On the other hand, the regions from VI to X have already exceeded the total volume sent during the 2013 / 14 campaign. Within this group, regions X and XIV stand out, which to date have sent 7.228 tons, the largest volume of the last four seasons. This situation is mainly explained by the good weather conditions, with absence of rains during the summer, which have allowed to produce higher volumes of fruit for fresh export. Additionally, the United States, the main destination for Chilean blueberries, has presented a stable market, with high prices at the beginning of the season (on average 26 USD / 6oz), a gradual decrease in the period of greatest supply and higher prices during the 6 week (18 USD / 6oz).



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