We join the duel for the departure of a teacher and pioneer in the fruit world...

From Blueberries Consulting we join the sorrow of his family, the academic community and the world of fruit growing in general, due to the death of the academic Luis Antonio Lizana Malinconi, who was dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Professor Emeritus of the University of Chile, and a pioneer in agronomic work with fruits, among other milestones in his career.
Luis Antonio Lizana Malinconi, who was born on July 23, 1938, was a Chilean agronomist, founder and first director of the Postharvest Center of the University of Chile. In his life he was highly awarded and received many awards, such as:
- Prize for Scientific Activity, granted by the College of Agricultural Engineers of Chile (Carlos Porter Award, 1989)
- Agronomic Merit Award, granted by the Chilean Agronomic Society (1995)
- Award in Recognition for Contributions to Postharvest Science and Technology in Latin America, granted by the University of Querétaro (Mexico, 1995)
- Award in Recognition for Contributions in post-harvest of fruits and Vegetables in Ibero-America, Ibero-American Association of Post-harvest Technology (2002)
- National Agricultural Medal Award IICA, Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture and the Ministry of Agriculture of Chile (2004)
- Medal of Academic Merit Rector Ruy Barbosa, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Chile (2005)
- Plaque of Recognition for his "courageous and dedicated contribution to the ISTH, as an active member, member of the board of directors and mainly as editor of the Memoirs", ISTH, Interamerican Society for Tropical Horticulture (2010)
- Golden Spike Award for professional career, College of Agricultural Engineers (2010)
His professional life was also abundant and successful:
In 1962 he graduated as an Agricultural Engineer, Mention in Fruit Growing. Later he was awarded a Scholarship by the Integral Institute of Education and the Emery H. Powell Foundation, he obtained the Master of Science in Horticulture, specializing in Postharvest at Washington State University (Pullman) in June 1965.
Subsequently, he received a scholarship from UNESCO and the Spanish Higher Council for Scientific Research, completed a Postgraduate Diploma in Plant Physiology at the University of Granada in 1966. In 1975, the University of California Davis awarded him the degree of Phylosophal Doctor in Botany. Her first professional job was carried out in 1962 in the Fruit Arboriculture Department of the Ministry of Agriculture in Quinta Normal. Between 1966 and 1970, she participated in the “Convenio U. de Chile-U. of California", as a fruit growing counterpart to the 11 specialists from the University of California. Between 1970 and 1974 he carried out doctoral studies in the USA. In 1975 he was appointed director of the Department of Agricultural Production of the Faculty of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, of the University of Chile, serving until 1980.
He was the creator and director of the Center for Postharvest Studies (CEPOC). Additionally, he organized five Comprehensive Symposiums on Fruit Postharvest Management, Quality and Physiology, with the sponsorship of FONDEF, RITEP (Ibero-American Network of Postharvest Technology), FEDEFRUTA, FAO and the Agronomic Society of Chile (SACH). In 1978 as president of the SACH, he transformed the "Agronomic Days" into an "Annual Congress." In addition, he reformed the presentation of works and renewed the magazine Simiente. In 1979 he organized the first comprehensive meeting of the Agricultural Congress of Chile, with the American Society for Horticultural Science ASHS, Tropical Region. Between 1980 and 1985, Dr. Lizana was invited to join the Faculty of Agronomy of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (PUC), to develop the Postharvest Laboratory, thus initiating systematic research in this discipline at that University. In 1986, he returned to the University of Chile, which is his alma mater. Between 1979 and 1980, he was president of the American Society for Horticultural Science, Tropical Region. On the other hand, between 1990 and 1991 he was president of the IA American Society for Tropical Horticulture IASTH. Likewise, between 1979 and 1982, he was Consultant as a Fruit Specialist for the Feasibility Projects of the CNR National Irrigation Commission in the valleys of: Mataquito (1978), Aconcagua, Ligua and Petorca (1979-82) and Vallenar (1982). ), among other national and international consultancies. Between 1995-2002, Dr. Lizana was hired as Horticultural Advisor and Postharvest Advisor for the ATUT Project, Agriculture Technology Utilization and Transfer, funded by USAID-Government of Egypt. As a result of the above, he planned and directed 7 Training Trips for Egyptian Table Grape Technicians, Farmers and Exporters to Chile.
In any case, no review will be able to reliably interpret the great contribution of Dr. Lizana to the academy and to the world of modern and professional fruit growing. From Blueberries Consulting we reiterate our condolences mainly to his family and also to the academic community that sheltered him and to the world of fruit growing in general.