Odepa: Chile exports USD $ 199,3 million in organic products

According to the study carried out by the Office of Agricultural Studies and Policies (Odepa), shipments of organic Chilean products increase 12% in 2014.

In terms of returns, this type of shipments totaled US $ 199,3 million, higher than the US $ 178 million reported in 2013. This amount includes, Odepa said, wines made with grapes of this category.

In volume, fresh fruits and vegetables of this type reached the 33.607 tons, for US $ 90,7 million, that is, the 45,5% of the total value.

In this segment they highlighted apples (US $ 43,9 million), blueberries (US $ 36,6 million), kiwis (US $ 7 million), grape (US $ 2 million) and avocados (US $ 422.000).

Frozen Foods

Regarding the volumes exported of frozen organic products, according to the Odepa document, these reached 10.094 tons for a value of US $ 46,4 million in the 2014 exercise.

The category is led by blueberries, with US $ 19,2 million), followed by raspberries (US $ 18,4 million), blackberries (US $ 6,2 million), strawberries (US $ 2 million) and asparagus (US $ 0,6) millions).


Dry organic products, meanwhile, totaled 591,6 tons, for US $ 3 million, led by plums (US $ 1,35 million), apples (US $ 1,35 million), raspberries (US $ 0,32 million), blueberries, strawberries and quinces.

It should be noted that along with organic products, which reached 785,8 tons (US $ 11,8 million), rosehip oil (US $ 3,1 million), fresh or dried boldo leaves (US $ 0,3 million) and fresh chamomile stood out or dry (US $ 0,2 million), among others.

Regarding wines with designation of origin made with organic grapes, in 2014, 9,6 million liters were exported, for a value of US $ 41,5 million, an 20,8% of the total value exported and close to 2,3% of total wines exported with denomination of origin.


Source: SimFRUIT

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