Peruvian shipments of blueberries and avocados already exceed those of the southern country

Peru gains ground on Chile in agricultural exports and would surpass it in 2027

The Peruvian coast has climatic characteristics that make it similar to a “natural greenhouse” and that is one of the main reasons for the advance of agricultural exports (vegetables) in recent years, without considering livestock and forest products (timber), which is increasingly worrying Chilean agro-exporters.

According to the Ministry of Agrarian Development and Irrigation (Midagri)At the end of 2022, Peruvian agricultural exports reached the record figure of 7,557 million dollars and Chile managed to export 10,664 million dollars.

However, between 2012 and 2022, Peruvian agricultural exports increased at an average annual rate of 10.1%, while Chilean shipments grew 2.4% per year.

“If this dynamic continues in the following years, by 2027 Peru would be exporting a value of 12,210 million dollars in agricultural products, surpassing Chile, which would reach 12,009 million dollars,” says César Romero, foreign trade specialist at the Directorate. of Midagri Policies.

Factors to consider

César Romero explains that Chile currently has major problems with water availability, because they have overexploited their water and also their lands, and that is affecting agricultural production. “In Chile, water has been privatized, there everyone is the owner of the water resource they have, even the subsoil, which is why there has been irrational exploitation,” he tells Diario El Peruano.

The specialist highlights that Peru has water, labor and legal stability for the agro-export investor, as well as the climate that favors the Peruvian coast, allowing production all year.

"For this reason, in some agricultural products, Peruvian exports have already surpassed Chilean exports, such as blueberries, avocados and grapes," he says. The Office of Agrarian Studies and Policies of the Chilean Ministry of Agriculture indicated, in a 2019 study, that Peru is one of the countries that represents the greatest competition for Chilean agro-exports, as it has managed to improve its position in many specific products.

Fresh grapes

In the period 2012 and 2022, Peruvian exports of fresh grapes increased at an average annual rate of 14.1%, and Chile registered only 1.9% growth per year. Midagri reported that, in 2022, Peru reached a record value of 1,364 million dollars in grape exports, but Chile also added a historic amount of 1,733 million dollars.

“In 2021, Peru had surpassed Chilean grape exports. However, the southern country released new grape varieties in 2022 and would have begun harvesting successfully, which is why it regained its status as the world's leading exporter,” explains César Romero.

Actions to consolidate agricultural exports

Specialist César Romero pointed out that, to ensure the sustainability of the development of agro-exports, the Peruvian State must consolidate the availability of new agricultural land.

He explained that two irrigation megaprojects are being promoted: Majes-Siguas II in Arequipa (38,500 hectares) and Chavimochic III in La Libertad (63,000 hectares). “According to the Association of Agrarian Guilds of Peru, around 60,000 hectares are currently used for agro-exports. With the two projects mentioned, that area would almost triple,” he indicated.

César Romero also mentioned that greater access to new markets is needed, since “it is very concentrated, considering that eight countries buy 71% of Peruvian agricultural exports (United States, Netherlands, Spain, England, Chile, China, Germany and Ecuador) and 15 products represent 56% of total agricultural exports. So, there is room to exploit the markets of Asia, Australia and others.”

César Romero says that Chile continues to be a large exporter of cherries, kiwis, plums, apples, blueberries, avocados, grapes and asparagus; although Peru shows sustained growth in its export of blueberries, avocados, grapes, citrus fruits, mangoes, asparagus, olives, artichokes, garlic, coffee, cocoa and bananas.


In the case of blueberries, Peruvian exports increased at an average annual rate of 123.3% in the last 10 years and Chilean shipments at a rate of 2.6%, according to information from Midagri. In 2022, Peru reached the record figure of 1,364 million dollars in blueberry exports, while Chile closed at 509 million dollars.

“It is important to note the almost non-existent presence of Peruvian blueberry exports in 2012, while Chile exported 395 million dollars that same year. In 2018, the approximation of the export value of both economies can be seen; However, in 2019 Peru managed to surpass Chilean exports,” says César Romero.


Midagri indicated that Peruvian exports of fresh avocados grew at an average annual rate of 20.7% in the last decade, and only 3.3% with regard to Chile.

In 2022, Peru registered 895 million dollars in avocado exports and Chile only 213 million dollars. If we added the shipments from both countries, it would give a total of 1,108 million dollars.

“Of that total amount, 80.7% would correspond to Peruvian exports and 19.3% to Chilean exports, showing the enormous difference that exists between the value exported by Peru compared to Chile,” highlights César Romero.

In addition, the specialist emphasized continuing to work on technological innovation, the subscription of phytosanitary protocols and reducing logistics costs to have greater competitiveness.



– Between January and May of this year, Peruvian agricultural exports totaled 3,518 million dollars, which implied an increase of 0.2% compared to the same period in 2022, according to Midagri.

– Peru's agricultural exports could reach sales of more than $2025 billion by 12,000, if there are no trade restrictions or severe weather impacts.

– The Minister of Foreign Trade and Tourism, Juan Carlos Mathews, highlighted that Peru, worldwide, is number one in exports of organic grapes, blueberries, coffee and bananas, in addition to being second in avocados.

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