Peru: Sierra Exportadora will promote value-added products based on Berries and other fruit trees in Tacna and Moquegua

Sierra Exportadora will promote products with added value based on Berries, peaches, apricots, olives, melons and other fruits produced in the Tacna and Moquegua region, which will be initially destined to the domestic market and then to the external market, being Europe, Canada and France, the main destinations.

To start these works, the National Program Peru Berries of Sierra Exportadora, public body of the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation (Minagri), together with the decentralized Headquarters of Tacna, organized the "International Seminar: Dehydrated Berries and other fruits" in the city of Tacna, in which 145 participants were present, among them entrepreneurs, farmers, students and entrepreneurs from Tacna and Moquegua, who gathered at this event in order to obtain more information about the large dehydrated market.

The French expert in dehydrated Berries, Jean-Ivet Cadalen, and the head of the Peru Berries National Program, William Daga, participated in this event, who transmitted valuable information on the international market, products with high added value, innovation, technology and management of the value chain for dehydrated exports, as well as certification in good agricultural management practices and added value.

This activity is part of the National Program Peru Berries of Sierra Exportadora, which seeks to improve competitiveness, strengthen and build management capacities to achieve a competitive, sustainable and inclusive agro-industry. Likewise, it seeks to exchange successful and innovative results and experiences in dehydrated berries and other fruits, as well as to encourage the incorporation of technology in dehydration processes.


Source: Sierra Exportadora

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