We live in times of collaborative economy ...

In more than one social meeting it has already been heard that someone talks about the collaborative economy. If it has not happened, it will happen. Because it is in the direction in which the current world is going, for several reasons, but mainly because of the advance of technology and because of the paradigm shift facing the economy.

Gone is the industrial age ...

It is possible that within forty or fifty years there will no longer be wage labor, and with this the current paradigms will succumb.

It is beginning another way of seeing the world, and life in general.

When we speak of collaborative economy we think of a world isolated or distant from our reality, or that corresponds only to the social world and not to the business world. We have the idea that the collaborative economy is limited to non-profit, non-commercial, but this is a big mistake.

The facts go faster and completely deny this feeling, because the transition from the current capitalist market model to the new paradigm of the collaborative economy is being carried out very quickly by thousands of companies in the world.

Internet of Things

The Internet of Things (IoT) movement is a clear example, since it is true that its management eliminates jobs, but also creates many new jobs.

IoT is a way of life based on the collaborative economy since it postulates identifying all the objects and things that surround the human being in their daily lives, especially with regard to the business world. In this way you can know where each item or item that you own or who is in your charge is (it is also a way to avoid theft or loss). The intelligent infrastructure of the IoT will require very few personnel to take care of much of the economic activity of the advanced world by electronically controlling all or almost all of the production process or the daily lives of people. However, in the short and medium term, the construction of the IoT will give rise to a wave (perhaps the last) of salaried work that will last about 40 years, because each thing, object or belonging must be identified no matter how tiny it may be. From machinery, utensils or tools, products, and even animals with subcutaneous devices.

This will allow, for example, that your tray of blueberries or your pallet is identified electronically so that you can know instantly, what route you are doing or where in the world you are ...

Another example is the passage of the current energy order to a way of using non-conventional renewable energies, NCRE, because this conversion will be a company of great impact and scope, having to restructure homes, roads, the automotive park, the industry and the entire human environment. Only the production of eco-efficient appliances will produce a revolution in the concept of energy use and global production generating millions of jobs.

But what is the collaborative economy?

The term comes from the English expression "Sharing Economy" and was born in 2010 as a dynamic participation action. It is not a simple social theory. We could also translate it literally: "Sharing economy", understanding that we define Economy as "the means of satisfying human needs through available resources that are always limited".

In the concept, actions of different types coexist, with a common characteristic: all the initiatives are based on information and communication technologies, which allow the creation of social networks and portals, where interactions between individuals can be carried out in a massive way.

Under this umbrella, 4 headings are currently included: Open knowledge, collaborative consumption, shared finances and collaborative production. Perhaps others can join, such as Expanded Education and Data Journalism.

The transversal factor is precisely the construction of immense databases that are managed collectively and interactively and can be shared and updated in real time by users, thanks to the speed of internet communication, and storage systems and data management.

We quickly approach a conception of human being that for the first time shares a superstructure of data / information / knowledge that is transferable and usable by all individuals. A sort of collective intelligence where each user constitutes a node (node) of a network or mesh, of multiple networks superimposed on different levels and importance.


Source: Blueberriesconsulting.com - Martín Carrillo O.


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