International seminar will address ways to access benefits that microorganisms generate in society

Activity, to be developed on Tuesday 17 of January in Santiago, is organized by the Institute of Agricultural Research, INIA, the National Institute of Intellectual Property, INAPI, and the Center for Agricultural Bioscience International, CABI, United Kingdom.

It is internationally recognized that the largest biotechnological businesses in the world are produced by microorganisms (fungi, bacteria, nematodes). An example of this are antibiotics, enzymes, ferments based on yeasts, biological controllers of pests and agricultural diseases, industrial processes for the decomposition of wastewater, decontamination of soil and water, stimulants of plant growth, among many others.

mushroomsIn recent times, there is growing concern in Chile about microbial genetic resources, which has meant moving from the first studies of the effects of microorganisms on plant and animal diseases, to the most recent uses for industrial processes, which include the use of of microalgae for the generation of energy, the use of bacteria for the decomposition of liquid industrial waste (riles), the biological control of pests and diseases affecting agricultural and forestry crops, the development of new vaccines for animals, the development of yeasts for improve fermentative process, etc.

Precisely to publicize the existing options to access the benefits produced by microorganisms in society and how they can improve the local and international community, is that on Tuesday 17 in January, at 9.00 hours, will be held in the auditorium of INAPI in Santiago (Avda. Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins 194, floor 18), the international seminar "Fair and equitable access of benefits associated with Microbial Genetic Resources".

microorganismThis seminar, of free access for the interested ones, is organized by INIA, INAPI and CABI of England, and contemplates six technical presentations in charge of outstanding investigators of Chile, England and Brazil.

Among the topics that will be addressed are: "CABI and its international link for the protection and sustainable use of genetic resources: cases of microorganisms and shared benefit"; "Access to Microbial Genetic Resources and procedure protocols in Brazil"; "Protection of Microbial Genetic Resources: Generation of an Environmental Base Line of Microbial Mats present in Lagunas del Salar de Atacama, of the Antofagasta Region"; "Patenting microorganisms in Chile"; and "Policy on access to genetic resources of INIA-Chile".

Microorganisms found in Juan Fernández

juan-fernandezEspecially relevant will be the presentation “Rescue and recovery of the microbial heritage of the Juan Fernández archipelago”, which will be in charge of the INIA researcher, Andrés France, who will present some of the microbial resources obtained in collections made on Robinson Crusoe Island in the Archipelago Juan Fernández, the result of an international research project in progress that aims to rescue and protect the heritage of this part of insular Chile classified as a biosphere world reserve.

Source: INIA

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