The future of Chilean agriculture could depend on plastic blankets

During the seminar "Protected fruit growing: use of covers in fruit trees and vines as an alternative to climate variability", Organized by the Institute of Agricultural Research, INIA, together with the export company Subsole, the more than 350 attendees could know different experiences in the use of covers, such as plastics, meshes, among others.

Gabriel Selles, national coordinator of the Horticultural Program of INIA, told that although the use of the covers has been increasing in recent years, we still need to know which are the critical points on which the research should focus so that fruit growing under plastic can have appropriate technological packages.

"We have seen that we must focus on seeing nutrition issues, since the growth parameters are so different, anticipating the phenological stages in many species, currently the same ones are used irrigation strategies, but it has already been shown that at least environmentally there is less demand for water, but how much is that lower demand? What are the most appropriate irrigation thresholds? Also the issue of pollination and the behavior of bees under this system, we must also study the behavior of pests and diseases and the response of fruit in post-harvest, etc."

One of the most successful cases in Chile has been the use of plastic blankets on table grapes. Gabriel Marfán, technical and development manager of the exporter Subsole, spoke about the experience they have had in their productions and talked about the different benefits of using these covers.

berries4For example, the polyethylene film helps the minimum temperatures under plastic to be higher than in external environmental conditions, preventing damage by frost and complemented this last statement by saying that in his field experience, plants that were without plastic cover during a frost situation, presented 10 bunches per plant, while in the plantations with the use of plastic, they allowed to keep 50 bunches per plant.

He also described the different types of covers that are currently used in the industry and their functions. Monofilament meshes they help control the wind, excessive radiation, hail, birds, stimulates vigor and does not modify the phenology.

The raffias On the other hand, they are widely used in cherry trees. According to Marfán's exhibition they are resistant and flexible, but they must be used for short periods of time due to the limitations in light transmission, which is why their system is mobile (retractable).

The low density polyethylene filmIt should not be confused with a greenhouse, as it has a ventilation system and high solar radiation transmission.

The results of the use of the covers, whatever the type, will depend not only on choosing a good supplier, but also on the design of the system (height, angles and vents), the density of the plantations, their vigor, the variety and geographical area where they are located .

Post harvest behavior

Bruno Defilippi, Ing. Agr., Ph.D. Coordinator of the Postharvest Unit of INIA, spoke about the project that they have been developing in conjunction with the exporter Subsole in table grapes and the behavior that they have post harvest after the use of plastic blankets.

Defilippi noted that the The objective of this study was to quantify the magnitude of the microclimatic modifications produced by the plastic coverage, besides preparing a manual for the production of table grapes under plastic covers, defining the specific requirements of resources such as water, fertilizers, etc.

The varieties studied were Superior, Ralli and Thompson Seedless, in which the yield-harvest variables were observed, and it was concluded that with the use of plastic covers the polar and equatorial diameters of the berries were longer, and that the weight of the berries also increased.

Also, the parrones that were under plastic showed to have less partings in the berries, less whitening and browning and decay.

Some experiences ...

During the event, spoke with Rodrigo Heredia from Agrícola Huertos Santa Teresa, who 4 years ago they are using plastic covers in its table grapes.

man-portal-fruticola"We do not have all our plantations covered because that entails a very important investment, so we have been installing it gradually. We already have half of our Thompson Seedless (15 has) covered and they have responded very well, just like the cherry trees (29 has)".

The results of the tests on table grapes that Huertos Santa Teresa made were shown at the seminar and Heredia says that in addition to the increase in productivity they have had, now they feel more secure when producing.

"We feel more confident to have the production year after year".

As for the cherry treesHeredia says that if you have the resources to cover the plantations, you have to do it.

"Nowadays one is very exposed to rains, frosts and climate change in general, that is why this has been very important for the development of our business. The management of raffia is not so simple, it has good results but it is an important investment and an operating cost that must be taken into account".

Regarding the seminar Heredia said that "the quality of the exhibitors has been very good, they have covered many varieties of species such as table grapes, apples and cherry trees, and have delivered very relevant information for what one is interested in knowing more in depth".

For Miguel Allamand, chairman of the board of the exporter Subsole SA, the plastic blankets "they are a very interesting answer that are very important to evaluate in different species and we believe that with this type of events, the advances that each one has in these experiences of use, we must share them, we must discuss them, since I believe that the development of fruit growing in Chile requires that the different actors do not have a closed attitude , the idea is to share what you know, so that they teach you back what you do not know".

Although Allamand says that it is necessary to deepen in the effects of this type of covers, he has seen that consistently in all the species has had good results. However, the Achilles heel is financing.

"It is necessary to look for mechanisms by the banking that allow to solve the financing. The plastic project for the producer is profitable, but it requires a very large injection of capital, the producers do not have 20 at 30 thousand dollars per hectare in the pockets to invest, and this is an element that must be covered".

Also in the seminar experiences of blueberries under plastic or meshes, by the researcher of the Catholic University Ph.D. Pilar Bañados; use of meshes in apple orchards by the researcher of the University of Concepción Ph.D Richard Bastías; Plastic blankets in kiwis by the agronomist, Christian Abud, and in cherry trees exhibited Jordi Casas, agronomist of the exporter Frusan and Gregory Lang, Ph.D of the University of Michigan, USA.


Source: Fruit Portal

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