Guadalajara will wear blue again on May 25 and 26

This XXII edition of the International Blueberries Seminar has the importance of being the corollary of a very good year for the blueberry industry, which is why it concentrates the interest of Mexican and Latin American producers, in addition to the presence of the main international companies and companies. , to show all those products and services necessary for the development of the crop.
News and new businesses
At the meeting you will be able to access multiple beneficial news for the cultivation and industry of blueberries, such as the offer of new varieties, access to different implements for hydroponic systems, or learn about the most modern technology in irrigation, applications, plant nutrition, satellite technology, packaging, selection and packaging. Also learn about the latest in postharvest and transport technology, as well as products suitable for organic production and the latest innovations and technologies on the market, among others. All in a context of facilitation in the generation of business and expanding the network of contacts of each of the visitors.
More knowledge and opportunities
In addition, the XXII International Blueberry Seminar in Guadalajara is an instance in which producers, technicians, advisers and agricultural professionals expand their knowledge on the different aspects related to the cultivation, both in its agronomic and commercial phase, because the facilities of the Expo Guadalajara (with its 119.000 m2 that host 60.000 people) they allow different talks to be held on the most relevant topics and to hold meetings with the most important crop researchers, sharing their knowledge and experiences regarding the production and marketing of blueberries.
The assistants
The visitor's profile is very broad, and includes mainly agricultural producers and entrepreneurs, as well as technicians, consultants, specialists and professionals related to the blueberry industry. As well as related companies, suppliers, marketers, receivers, exporters and various agricultural associations, both Mexican and foreign.