The new varieties in Chile

Among the conclusions and balances of the Chilean industry, based on the last seasons, there is the concern for the problems of quality and condition of arrival of fresh fruit to the distant markets of destination. Experts and researchers conclude that a change of varieties is urgent to reverse this reality and recover competitiveness.

The operation is nothing less than starting old plants and replacing them with new ones, to start the production process from scratch. The task is not easy, because in addition to meaning a strong investment in the industry - close to USD15.000 per hectare - it implies a long time without commercial production.

The country is evaluating several dozens of new varieties, which until now have shown dissimilar results from the productive and commercial point of view, so it is estimated that more than 70% of the volume of blueberries produced by Chile still corresponds to varieties ancient. In what there is consensus is that there is a significant number of varieties that should be replaced, such as the O'Neal, which produces a fruit of low caliber and short life in postharvest, like the Elliot and Jewel.

"We are promoting the replacement of varieties that have poor post-harvest, which are soft, or do not support large trips and have small calibres", Points out Julia Pinto, technical manager of the Committee of Blueberries.

What is sought with the new varieties is that they are more productive and aim to achieve volumes close to 20 tons per hectare, in addition to achieving a fruit with a greater firmness and caliber, with more intensity in the bloom, of good flavor and better quality in general.

"In Chile there are almost 20 thousand hectares planted with blueberries and 90 produces a thousand tons of fresh fruit, plus other 30 thousand that go to the processing industry, which makes a total of 120 thousand tons of production, so we would be talking of 6 ton / ha, which is very low. If we take out what is growing and others, we would reach 8 ton / ha, which is still very low", Reflects Manuel Alcaíno, chairman of the board of directors of Decofrut.

The new varieties ...

At present, the varietal replacement is underway in the Chilean industry, in fact, more than 20 varieties have come from programs in Spain, Australia and the United States, developed by universities and public and private entities, including several of them With open licenses. Pilar Bañado, research and development manager of Hortifrut, in statements to El Mercurio, highlighted the Rocío variety - belonging to Hortifrut - explaining that it is a selected variety in Spain, of very early harvest, of very firm, crunchy fruits and with good bloom .

"We have exported more than 200 tons of the Rocío variety. It is easy to work and two years can produce between 10 and 12 tons per hectare, mainly for its genetics and the management of the producer"He explained.

Among the highlights in the productive and commercial aspect is the Liberty - also belonging to Hortifrut - a variety of high productivity, late harvest and good post-harvest condition, which is very well suited to the central and southern areas of the country. In the last season, the volume of this variety rose 70% compared to last season, reaching 1.500 tons exported.

Draper - that his license also belongs to Hortifrut - is a medium-season variety, of high productivity, of firm sweet and crunchy fruits, of large medium caliber and high harvest concentration, which shows a very good condition in distant destinations.

One of the good new varieties is Emerald® - belonging to Sunnyridge Nurseries - standing out for being vigorous and productive, with good adaptability to areas between 50 and 400 hours of cold. Its early harvest ends in mid-December and it can be exported without major inconvenience to distant markets. This variety had an increase of 40% compared to the previous season, reaching 1.200 tons exported.

Other varieties that have given good results are Blue Ribbony and Top Shelf - belonging to Fall Creek Farm & Nursery - which are characterized by high yields of exportable fruit, producing great organoleptic quality, good size and good postharvest. Both varieties have shown a very good adaptation to the central and southern areas of the country, from the VI to the X region of Los Lagos.

"Today, with little more than three years of local experience and having more area planted commercially, we can highlight that Blue Ribbon and Top Shelf have become two very good options for the most demanding markets in Europe and Asia", Says Patricio Fernández, Operations Manager of Fall Creek, to El Mercurio.

Farthing, from Sunnyridge Nurseries, is another new recommended variety. Hortifrut, for its part, is carrying out commercial tests with two varieties of its own program: Daybreak and Bliss.

"Both are early and with low cold requirement. We did the first commercial tests last year, mainly with Daybreak, which gave very good results in productivity and reception in the markets", Indicates Pilar Bañados.

The replacement is underway and will not be easy. Experts indicate that the key to success in making an adequate varietal reconversion is the knowledge of the place where it will be produced and the appropriate professional advice to make a correct decision about the time in which it is sought to harvest.

Source: Martín Carrilo O. - Blueberries Consulting

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