First Sekoya blueberry plantation in the Netherlands
This week the first blueberry plants in the Sekoya program were planted. The Dutch company abbGrowers has the exclusive right for the sale of Sekoya blueberries in the Netherlands.
«The planting took place on a cold but beautiful day, with the sun occasionally appearing between the white clouds. Without a doubt, that was already a good start for the plants. A machine made the holes for planting in the sand ridges. Then the plants were placed in the ground, still manual work. Next year we will be able to harvest and taste the first blueberries from our new plantation,” says Leon Driessen, commercial director of the Driessen Blueberries company.
When asked why Driessen and abbGrowers are so enthusiastic about the Sekoya blueberry, Leon responds: “Sekoya represents two varieties of blueberries: Crunch and Grande, whose harvests usually follow one another covering a total period of two months. "Sekoya is a variety of blueberries with characteristic properties that are important both in cultivation and marketing."
«Blueberries stand out for their flavor, size, shelf life and firmness. The last two properties in particular can mean a lot to expand global sales opportunities,” says Fred Douven, CEO of abbGrowers.
abbGrowers has a field where 4 hectares of blueberries have been planted and another 10 hectares will be added next year. The plant has a promising performance, since, when it is in full production after 5-6 years, it will reach 15.000 kilos per hectare.
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