Argentina: Blueberry producers visit Holland with Macri in search of commercial agreements

The Argentine Blueberry Committee (ABC) was part of the delegation that visited the Netherlands, together with President Mauricio Macri.

The delegation, led by the President Mauricio Macri, made an official visit to the Netherlands with the aim of strengthening commercial relations. Representing the blueberry sector, Carlos Stabile, from the Extraberries company and president of ABC, participated together with other businessmen from different productive sectors in Argentina.

"It is fundamental to strengthen international relations and advance economic agreements between the European Union and Mercosur with the aim of opening new markets and promoting existing ones", said the president of ABC, Carlos Stabile and added: "The meetings in the Netherlands allow us to express internationally the need to modify the tariff pressure and to finalize free trade agreements that make our products more competitive".

Stabile also assured that this visit opens up very important commercial opportunities for the sector, "In order to make the most of this unique opportunity, better agreements must be reached with maritime companies and reduce travel time to reach destination in 20 days", concluded the owner of ABC.


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