Switzerland: growing demand for blueberries and raspberries
Berries are in vogue in the European country, especially blueberries and raspberries. These small blue and red fruits, now, are among the favorites of Swiss consumers. As a result, the demand for blueberries and raspberries has grown more than threefold since 2010 (from 3.000 tons to 9.500 tons).
Since 2010, the consumption of blueberries has almost quintupled, from 1.000 tons to a little less than 5.000 tons. The demand for raspberries has multiplied by more than two in the same period, from around 2.000 tons to more than 4.500 tons. At 2016, for the first time, more blueberries than raspberries were consumed.
In terms of prices there are also similar trends. Consumer prices have a downward trend since 2011 for both types of berries. If in 2011 a price of EUR 22,87 per kilo was paid, in 2016 the average price was around EUR 18,28 per kilo (-20%). In the case of raspberries, the trend was similar in the same period, the average consumer price for raspberries fell from EUR 22,02 to EUR 18.36 per kilo, which is equivalent to a decrease of -16,5%.
According to figures from the Association of Fruit Exporters of Chile (ASOEX), with information from the Agricultural and Livestock Service (SAG), during the 52 week (25-31 of December) of the 2017-2018 season, Chilean exports of blueberries were of 8.011 tons, reaching an accumulated volume of 44.763 tons per week 52. The main destination market is the United States and Canada, with a share of 59,1%, followed by Europe with a share of 23,7% and Far East with 16,9%. Also, 52 exported 2.550 tons of organic blueberries to the 6 week, with a share of XNUMX% of the total.
Source: Agrimundo - Fresh Plaza - Chilean Blueberry Committee - Asoex - SAG