Brand change for South African berries

BerriesZA hopes to lead South Africa to the top of the global berry world

The South African berry industry body has decided to change its name to BerriesZA after operating as the South African Berry Growers Association (SABPA) for some years.

"In recognition of the growing strength of the industry on the world stage, we have decided to re-launch the South African Berries Growers Association (SABPA) as BerriesZA," confirmed Justin Mudge, president of the group.

The success of the South African country

The growth of the berry industry in South Africa over the past 5 years is considered one of the great agricultural success stories of the country.

Its blueberry exports increased by more than 27% last year, despite the impact of Covid-19. This represented an increase to 15.636 tonnes in 2021, compared to 12.221 tonnes the previous year and 1.792 tonnes in 2015.

This growth has supported the rapid increase in employment in the industry. From just 1,000 workers in 2014 to more than 8,000 workers in 2019.

«Creemos que esto marca un nuevo capítulo importante en la historia de éxito de las berries sudafricanas», comentó Mudge. “Lo más importante es que BerriesZA se convertirá en la organización de productos básicos habilitante con una nueva misión para construir la marca de bayas sudafricanas aquí  y en el extranjero” due to the superiority of the country's fruit compared to berries from other countries.


Berries ZA 


“Los arándanos sudafricanos son mundialmente reconocidos como algunos de los de mayor calidad del mundo. Para el 2024, nuestro objetivo es haber aumentado la producción a 62.000 toneladas y las exportaciones a 44.000 toneladas «, agregó.

BerriesZA projections

«Para lograr estos objetivos, centraremos nuestros esfuerzos en los próximos años en obtener acceso a nuevos mercados, principalmente en el Lejano Oriente, donde la demanda de berries sudafricanos es alta».

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