Fresh and healthy products grow from a more organized consumer

Fresh and healthy products and cleaning products are the ones that have grown the most in the shopping cart during the pandemic, while interest in or access to online commerce has increased ten points and the consumer is now more organized and farsighted.

These results of a consumer habits survey by the Consumers Associations Participation Table (MPAC) show that the pandemic has modified the population's purchasing and consumption habits.

Already last year, After the confinement of spring, the survey indicated these trends that are corroborated in this new edition, in which more than half a thousand users have participated who have offered their social and personal perception of this exceptional period.

According to the data obtained, and After 14 months from the beginning of this situation, 23% of those surveyed plan their purchases more than a year ago, 11% have increased storage, one in four consume more fresh products and 53% affirm consume more healthy foods now than before.

Agro Industry

According to the president of CECU and member of the MPAC, Fernando Móner, confinement and mobility limitations have allowed more time to reflect and, with it, to «improve many of our habits, mainly related to a healthier diet, although we should rethink what we consider healthy.

Most consumers value the effort of all the actors in the agri-food chain (primary producers, industry and distribution) and 60% believe that the effort of the producers in this period has been maximum and they give them a total of 5,40 out of 6; distributors obtain a 5,03, followed by hospitality and distribution, which are left with a 5 out of 6.

The role of Public Administrations is the least valued and obtains one passed scraping (3,4 out of 6), although 14,05% of those surveyed believe that they have made no effort to improve or alleviate this anomalous situation.

"We must value the role of large distribution in the attention given to consumers and highlight its essential role in this critical period, emphasizing the involvement of workers," said the president of FUCI and member of the MPAC , Gustavo Samayoa.

Increase in frescoes

Fresh and cleaning products have occupied a greater volume in the baskets, between a 37 and 20% increase, and, on the contrary, the consumption of alcoholic beverages and sweets / pastries has decreased compared to the previous year by 4% . They are followed by snacks (8%), whose consumption has decreased by 2%, and frozen products, with 7%.

From the results The survey also shows that the majority of the population, 73%, have maintained their recycling habits and that 25% claim to have improved them.

The majority, 72% of those surveyed, have maintained healthy habits because they had already assimilated them before the state of health alarm. Of these, 18% try to learn and eat healthy following the recommendations of both experts and the different administrations versed in the matter and 7% admit to having "relaxed" to combat the stress and anxiety caused by the situation.

A before and after the pandemic

According to the figures, a 53% say they have increased their interest in buying food for a healthier diet. Despite all the aforementioned changes, introduced by covid-19, 69% say they have not changed their eating habits at all.

Consumers have reinforced loyalty to the usual establishments, and 76% say they buy where they did before the pandemic, and 95% say they feel safe in their usual place of purchase.

85% claim to have purchased their products and food in person and 12% online, and also 23% say they have started to use new technologies, although for the moment they are not their priority.

Some habits acquired during the pandemic will remain and others will gradually return to the state before this health situation. Little by little, the purchase frequencies prior to the pandemic are recovered, and 51% will maintain the protection measures after the state of alarm, 25% will buy in a more planned way, 22% will try to reduce spending on products such as snacks, sweets and sugary drinks and 19% will eat in a more balanced way.

The Participation Table (MPAC) is a discussion forum and working group formed by the Confederations and Federations of consumer and user associations CECU, FUCI, UNAE and CAUCE together with Mercadona.

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