Josefa Monge, executive president of Sistema B Chile: "In some way we try to make sustainability part of the Chilean export brand"

"We are not aspiring for companies to be perfect, but we are aspiring for them to commit to permanent improvement and also to be transparent."

Sistema B Chile is a non-profit organization that promotes the evolution of markets and the economy to go beyond economic growth. It is about offering solutions of scale to the great challenges of humanity and the planet, with the vision of redefining success in the economy.

Hortifrut and ABC, among many ...

In the world of blueberries there are already many companies with category B or Triple Impact, both medium-sized and large international associations, such as the Argentine Blueberry Committee (ABC) and the world leader in the blueberry industry, Hortifrut.

We spoke with Josefa Monge regarding her objective of building ecosystems that strengthen companies and other economic agents that use market forces to solve social and environmental problems.

At what stage is the development or advancement of B and Triple Impact companies in the business world?

  • Currently in the world there are more than 4.000 B companies in more than 70 countries, operating in more than 150 industries and employing more than 280 thousand workers. In Chile, there are 187 B Corporations and we continue to be the country with the highest number of B Corporations per capita in the world.

The executive comments that the concept of the triple impact on companies, which consists of combining economic interests with environmental and social interests, has permeated beyond the B companies thanks to a change of consciousness in society. "There are increasing demands from the community, consumers and investors themselves towards companies, which necessarily leads them to pay attention to how they are developing their businesses and what kind of impact they are really generating."

Josefa Monge relates that the health crisis has highlighted the need for change that we have as a society, from multiple angles, such as being more sustainable from the role that we are responsible for developing, narrowing inequalities, working collaboratively, being empathetic and resilient, among other objectives.

"This clear evidence that the pandemic brought us is, without a doubt, a unique opportunity that we must know how to take advantage of in a good way as a society, in order to generate greater positive impacts on our environment."

How can it be applied to agrofruticultural businesses?

  • The role of companies in the agrofruticultural industry as in any other has changed, it is no longer enough with the responsibility of being profitable and seeking benefits for owners and partners, companies that understand this, and measure themselves, show that they have the courage and the conviction to do things differently and better, regardless of whether or not they are B-Companies or not. Measurement encourages internal dialogue, reflection, the motivation of teams to do things better, inspires them to rethink the purpose and in some cases to create it.

The president of Sistema B points out that in the case of fruit companies, environmental challenges go through the conscious care of water and the regeneration of soils, the decisive transition towards clean energy, the use of packaging, packaging and materials every time more sustainable and of products and fertilizers that do not harm people and the ecosystem; and in the social sphere, the care of the workers and communities surrounding the fields and orchards, training and fair wages, that the arrival of an agricultural company in a town, among others, is good news for the community.

How can it become Chile in a 100% sustainable country in its offer of export fruit?

  • With the vision, leadership, collaboration and courage necessary. The markets to which we export have become more sophisticated and their demands have increased. In some way, we try (and in that they also lead and accompany ProChile, Marca Chile and others) that sustainability is part of the Chilean export brand.

“The courage and conviction of entrepreneurs is essential in this path, and that they approach a shared vision through union and sector work. In Chile, one of the main challenges is to get corporate governments (shareholders and directors) to deeply commit to the vision of B Corporations or with Triple Impact. If we do not have boards and shareholders really committed to this change, there will be little that executives will be able to do ”.

Should the economy be rethought ...?

  • Faced with an economic system where exclusively financial and economic value is prioritized, sometimes with accumulated and large-scale labor, social and environmental externalities, multiple proposals emerge around New Economies. Moving towards the transformation of a New Economy implies daring to innovate from the business model, attracting and recruiting people who share this perspective and mainly stimulating networking with civil society organizations, the state and even competing companies. Collaboration is essential to accelerate behavioral changes in companies, especially when we know that in this industry the problems of one company affect all others.

A new capitalism

In that context, he says, there is a new model of stakeholder capitalism (stakeholder capitalism) on going. An economy that can create integral value for people and the planet, promoting forms of economic organization that can also be measured from the well-being of people, societies and nature, simultaneously and with short and long-term considerations.

“For all of the above, there are many structural and cultural changes and transformations that must occur so that Chile can become a 100% sustainable country, both in its supply of fruit for export, and other industries. From Sistema B we are working and mobilizing the private world to be able to increase the number of sustainable companies, but this is a joint effort with different organizations and entities, both in the public and private world ”, he concludes.

We will publish this exclusive interview with Josefa Monge in the next edition of Blue Magazine.

Martín Carrillo O. - Blueberries Consulting

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