Minister of Agriculture of Peru, Gustavo Mostajo Ocola:
"We must modernize agriculture"

My mission is to develop three main strategic axes to contribute to the modernization of agriculture, so that it is more profitable and increasingly sustainable. For this purpose, multiple public and private initiatives must be developed.

First, I want to highlight the growth and good management of the agro-export sector, which in the last decade has increased from 52 to 155 the number of international markets as a destination for Peruvian agricultural products. To continue growing we must redouble the commitment of the sector and intensify our actions in the search for new destinations for our flagship products, such as: avocados, grapes, blueberries and mangoes, among others, with a view to exceeding US $ 10 billion. in sales to the year 2021, which will allow greater income to small and medium producers mainly.

For this, we implemented the National Agro-Export Plan, which aimed to reach US $ 7.000 million in national sales and exports of agricultural products in 2018. In this sense, the agreement signed by the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation with Foreign Affairs and Commerce is also projected. Foreign and Tourism, to incorporate agricultural aggregates of regional scope, covering the continents of America, Asia and Europe and serving as support for the management of obtaining access to new international markets, maintaining the current destination markets.

A second axis of development is modernization. Markets demand greater results from our agricultural production and the time has come to modernize our production processes. In this perspective, the National Crops Plan and the National Agricultural Production Monitoring System have been implemented, in order to obtain a computer system for all the crops in the country.

The third axis corresponds to the associativity of the producers, in order to strengthen them and that they can access credits, because there can be no modernity in our agriculture without resources to acquire science and technology, essential aspects for development. We need more genetics, technified irrigation, refrigerated transport, mechanized harvesting, protection covers and other technologies and we will do this with associativity and the full support of the Ministry that I lead.

Gustavo Ocola Mostajo

He is an agronomist graduated from the Catholic University of Santa María in Arequipa. His professional life began in 1995 at the National Agricultural Health Service (SENASA), a public body of the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, where he was responsible for the control and eradication of pests and diseases of economic importance in the country. In this area, the control of the fruit fly, foot and mouth disease and brucellosis and bovine tuberculosis, as well as its role in the activities of biological control of pests, control of scabies in camelids and agrosanitary surveillance at borders.

Martín Carrillo O. - Blueberries Consulting

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